Wednesday, February 26, 2014

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ A few changes on my videos


Yay! Lol, ok, calm down.
So today will be another rambling post, as usual, since it's mostly what I use this blog for... And I wanted to ask you guys what you tought of the lighting of my last video on youtube (the argyle nails). Dows it look better? Brighter? I used new lamps (cool daylight or so they said) for that video, and I've also used them for the next upcoming video, that will be a makeup one. I also recently got a new microphone (my sweet boyfriend gave it to me), and I've just used it for the upcoming makeup tutorial, so I hope it sounds better than the last one (I'll be waiting for your response on that everyone!).

Also, I've finally got the hang of After Effects, so now I work well enough with it to play a little more with editing my intros and such. Do you have any suggestions? (♥ω♥ ) ~♪

So anyways!
I'll leave you here my latest tutorial! And I'll wait for your suggestions and opinions on the lighting and editing of the video (constructive criticism please!!!)


See ya next time!!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

New makeup tutorial

Hey guys!!!

Here's my latest makeup tutorial, made specifically for Valentine's Day.

This baby here took me a lot longer to edit for quite an amount of reasons... One of the main reasons being that I wanted to create an intro similar to a Youtube Guru (Wengie), that does the most adorable beauty videos, and she inspired me to do intros like that, and also an animated logo for myself. So thanks to that I got in a whole bunch of a work.
Then the problems with filming an editing started... the first time I recorded it, the files got corrupted while editing... Second time, I decided I should go for a green screen background, but the lighting and the camera didn't work so well, and the green turned yellow-ish, and so did my skin, so when I edited it the program could not differenciate the green background from my skin, and so parts of my skin would turn into the masked background... Meh, it's shucks I know.
Then the third time I recorded the same tutorial I tried a better green screen, new placing and better lighting... Still, no good came out of it...and all the yellowing happened again. I was about to give up seriously..
I finally got the strenght back up on the next day to film it again. I gave up on the green screen, and simply focused on making good use of a blank white wall, natural lighting that I had that day (here it's very rare to have a sunny day like that) and good artificial lighting that I had around the house (still needs some tweaks but I'll get there soon hopefully - looks wishfully at the previous blog post). And I got it filmed. It wasn't perfect due to the fact that the camera doesn't have the best auto-focus in the world, so most of the close-up footage is blurry... But it was manageable/acceptable to work with.
Then I got the HELL-of-a-pain-in-the-ass-work of editing the video, creating the effects, intro and logo on After Effects while working on Premiere at the same time... Phew, that was a huge headache for me... I never did something like that on AE... Hell! All I ever did on AE was a simple text with falling flowers with pre-done effects... So this was not only hard work, but hours of research of good AE tutorials, and a bunch of failures... BUT I did it!!! I did it ALL by myself! I didn't use a template, nor a loop background resource! Damn I'm proud of myself or what?!?!? Lol. I think you can even notice in my voice over (if you compare to the other videos I did) that my voice is more... bubbly? lol.

Anyhow!!! Enjoy the video! And don't forget to thumbs up, share and subscribe to my channel (if you haven't yet).
