Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sooooooo freaking long

Yes, yes... I know...
But it's not like I've been having any feedback here...
I keep my facebook pages active with makeup and nails. But my Youtube's channel has been a little put on the side. I have a few videos to edit, but I've been so damn lazy...
And recently I've re-discovered Xiaxue's blog, and I actually find her interesting and quite amuzing. I like how she's so frontal and honest about stuff. She's not even affraid that people will be mean to her. On that I got to admit I look up to her. And she's so cute!! (yes, I know she's done plastic surgery... I don't care. She's cute anyways. And if I had the money I would too...). She's somehow someone I wouldn't mind being lol. Seriously. I'd LOVE to have a life like hers... And to always have something to blog about (now that would be awesome to me)

So I've recently took the decision I should lose around 10kg... Yes it's quite a bit to lose just like that. I've found Blogilate's Youtube channel, and she's AMAZING! I got to say that I tried starting with her June calendar, but I almost DIED! I mean, I felt so weak and almost fainted at the third day...which was sad, and actually made me cry, because I realized how badly out of shape I am... My muscles can stand most of the pain the exercises give, but my lungs and heart somehow can't. It's obviously because I don't eat healthy, and yes... I should. Unfortunatly, healthy ain't always cheap (surprisingly, unhealthy is SO cheap it hurts...).
I'm trying to eat less carbs, and more proteine, more vegetables, a drink more water. I stopped drinking milk (I actually feel better without it... I should have stopped a long time ago). But I haven't yet composed myself from feeling sad about myself and get up and start the workout again. Cassie (blogilates) made a Beginner calendar for people like me. I already downloaded it, and I should just start it... But it seems I'm lazy enough to find a new excuse everyday to postpone the workout... Either "It's way too hot today" or "I just ate" or "I don't have time" or "it's too late"... Like, SERIOUSLY!!! I want to get thin and sexy and all...but apparently I don't want it enough? -_-
What do you guys (that workout, and had extra weight like me) did/do to keep yourselves motivated and to go against natural laziness??? What tactics (lol) did you use on yourself to not give excuses to yourself to not workout? What do you suggest? (and yes, getting up and move my fat ass is a start I know).

And right now it's like 2a.m. in here, it's 20ºC and even with a fan turned on I can't sleep coz it WAY too hot... geeez....

Oh!!! And tomorrow I'm going for my second session of my leg tattoo. I'm doing a bridal leg lace (or whatever it's called). It's SOOOOOO CUTE!!!
I'll post photos of it soon, and also the video of it being done. I think I'm kind of getting addicted to tatoos? I'm going for my third tatoo already, and I did my first in January... and believe me... it was the ongest 6h30 of my life of a tatoo (2 wings - one white other black. Yes, there's a meaning to it. But not going to explain now... maybe later.).

Also I've recently, and FINALLY found a hair stylist that agreed to dye my hair in a pastel color of my own choice. None here in my hometown accepted to do it, because I have long hair... Like... seriosuly???
And since she didn't have purple nor pink, I got violet (an in between both colors) on my old four colored hair. Yes, four colors... why? Because one year ago I dyied it myself in black, with a drugstore dye... worst thing EVER! Then later on December 2012 I managed to dye it in a cinnamon color to try to make it a whole color...not done well.... Then my hair stylist of that time bleached the ends of my hair (I think it's called the Callifornian Hair, or at least in here it's what t's called), and THEN I found my actual hairstylist that accepted the challenge of bleaching it all and turn it pink. Let me tell was HELL!!! That damned one year old black dye didn't want to leave!!!! I have all my hair (roots and where I first bleached and applied the cinnamon color) going from ash to platinnum blond (or white if you prefer), and the area where the black was still stuck on is of a light gold... The violet color looks like a mix of cotton candy pastel pink strands with some deep lavender on the roots and golden pink on where the black was. It actually looks nicer than what I thouht it would look like. But it'll look better next time! I'm going to order some Manic Panic dyes, and bleachers so I can keep my hair color and roots myself. Also I need to restock so good keratin products for my hair, good conditioners and yeah... ^^ It's going to be a little expensive, but totally worth it!
I feel like I came out of a fairy tale or something like that! I finally feel like I am ME with this look. It makes me youthful and cute, and with a brighter aura somehow. Which was what I as aiming for. And if you ask me, yes, Xiaxue was my main inspiration for this. Not the only inspiration, but probably the strongest. Thank you girl!

Aaaaaand I think I'll stop writting for this post...
In a few days I'll post more stuff and updates on my hair, tatoo, nails, makeup, and maybe, JUST MAYBE, an OOTD. ^^

See you next time!!!